Thursday, 13 January 2011

Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me) Music Videos...

In both videos (Steve Harley's and Erasure's) there is no real narrative structure to them, presumably as it would be difficult to fit a narrative effectively with the lyrics.

As a result the Steve Harley video just uses a variety of shot types and camera movements in order to keep the viewers interest throughout the song, and the Erasure version uses the gnome and bright colours (in a disjuncture style as it does not relate to the lyrics in any way) to keep audiences attention.

Due to the lack of ablilty to use a narrative, we will use a purely performance based video, but make sure that there is a variety of shot types, and use the writing on screen idea in order to make sure that the video is appealing and does not bore viewers, as you can find that if a video is only performance people do not watch to the end as nothing different will happen. We need to make sure that viewers of our video want to stay and watch to the end.

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