Monday, 31 January 2011


Earlier in the week I had given all the crew, and sent an email copy of the production schedule to Ian to send on to the other band members.Therefore, everyone arrived on time to the shoot on Sunday -9am. When we got there we finished getting the Top of the Pops backdrop down and got the cameras all ready. We also spoke to the lighting person -Lloyd Wallis- to tell him what we wanted from the lights.

We rang Megan to make sure that everything that she wanted had been done and that she was happy with the filter choices for the lights. We chose the filters on the lights to be blue and yellow, as they are primary colours, connoting happiness, which can relate to the lyrics in the song.

At 10 o'clock the band arrived and set up ready for filming. This is when we found out that they would rather keep their original logo, and so we added a red filter to the lights (as it's a colour used in the logo) and did not put the new logo on the backdrop, but left it blank. After running through the song a few times, we took the photos for the album cover and poster. We also consulted Megan on how she wanted these to look. We filmed the behind the scenes throughout these stages and continued to do so throughout the day.

We then ran through the song about 7 or 8 times, making sure that we got all the angles and shots that were on the storyboard.

Afterwards, we filmed a group interview with the whole of the band, talking about themselves and how they formed etc. After this we did an interview with just Ocky (lead singer) and Ian (who we communicated with) about the shoot itself and what they hoped to acheive from it. Finally, we filmed a directors interview talking about the filming and why certain decisions were made. The questions we asked for this we got from watching other directors interviews on real DVD extras.

We finished well ahead of schedule (about 2 hours) and had little to pack away as another group was coming in after us to film another band. This is evidence of our clear communication and planning.

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